Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Unfold the secrets behind these luxury logos of famous brands

When we talk about brand recognition, logo design plays a vital role in it. In simple terms, logo design is nothing but an icon which companies used to differ from their competitors. Moreover, it helps them in creating a unique identity in the market. It is said that customers often judge any company by looking at their Custom Logo as well. Before associating with a new brand, customers look at various factors and Graphic design is one of them. With the help of logo design, you can easily impress your targeted audience in no time.

On the contrary to brand recognition, logo design can also be used in marketing and advertising as well. Incorporating your organization's Graphic design with your company's marketing refers to logo design branding. Successful organizations who have used Graphic design branding have observed immense growth in their business. Using your custom Logo with various marketing methods such as social media marketing, digital marketing, email-based marketing, etc. can help you in creating an outstanding online presence.

Small-scale business organizations or first-time entrepreneurs who are working hard to make their business a huge success can try this method of marketing. If you Google, 'types of logo design.' You will encounter a long list of the types of logo design such as Luxury Logo, mascot logo, 3D logo design, badge Custom Logo, etc. Every type has its own pros and cons. In this blog, we will talk about luxury Graphic design.

Luxury Logo

What is a luxury logo design?

In general, luxury Graphic design is a combination of simplicity, high attention on typography, classic imaginary, luxurious styling, etc. In order to do something unique with your logo, a luxurious Custom Logo is a perfect choice to make. If you are looking for the best luxurious logo design, below are some of the amazing examples of luxurious logo design which you can take into consideration.

1. Versace:

While deciding for a logo for their glittering new couture line in the late 1970s, The founder of Versace, Gianni Versace, concluded that mythological Medusa as their ultimate symbol of fatal attraction. Her monstrous appearance and deadly gaze offered as punishment for her original entrancing beauty, which angered the goddess Athena.

2. Louis Vuitton:

For the logo, Louis Vuitton has chosen their company's initials as their monogram. It is an italicized and capitalized L is set slightly to the left bottom of the capitalized V symbolizing the initials of the founder. Underneath the symbol, the company's name "Louis Vuitton" is also written. Company's monogram is one of the most recognized Luxury Brands Logo Designs these days.

3. Burberry:

Burberry is one of the leading fashion houses in Britain. Its logo contains an "Equestrian Knight" which helped in being the most iconic emblems in the fashion industry. The founder Thomas Burberry was very keen and deliberate in protecting the interests of his business and products. Its color represents elegance, strength, and durability of the company's products.

These were some of the examples of the famous luxurious logo which you can take into consideration while crafting one for your business. If you are seeking for the best Luxury Brands Logo Design company in the industry, ProDesigns is the perfect place to visit. They have a team of aces who are expert in creating a creative Custom Logo for their company.

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